Monday, October 29, 2007

Hey, teachers: Is it really that bad?

Did you see William K. Richardson's rant about violence in the schools this Sunday in the CA's Viewpoints section? "Simply put, the Memphis City Schools has a thug problem," he says, before going on to detail some of the things he's been called by his students ("bald white motherf***er"); he teaches 10th grade English at Frayser High. He says Blue Ribbon, the much-heralded discipline plan MCS put into effect last year, is a joke, and he's not the first teacher we've quoted in the paper saying the same thing.

Reading this column yesterday, which ran right next to a heartbreaking picture of a child holding a picture of her daddy, shot to death in a drive-by shooting, made me wanna holler. Teachers: Is it really this bad? What is actually working for you, in the classroom and in the schools? Anything?

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1 comment:

English Composition said...

Good writing and passion behind your response.